Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mac Miller - Another Night

before i moved out to pittsburgh, a good friend told me that there was a talented young rapper from the area who i should make sure to check out. up until tonight i had completely forgotten to follow that advice. during an entirely unrelated conversation with a different friend (also not from pittsburgh), Mac Miller got brought up again. so i thought i should probably check him out.
i'm glad that i did, and now you can check him out too:

see his youtube channel here.

truth be told, i've been really curious about the hip hip scene in PGH. for example: there is no hip hop radio station in the city. how is that possible? it seems ridiculous. the closest you get is Kiss FM, and that is sad. aside from playing Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow over and over, local hip hop seems really hard to come by. what gives pittsburgh?

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