Monday, May 11, 2009

captain america in the window.

every day on my drive home from work i pass a house that has a life-sized paper cutout of Captain America on the front door.

i have driven past this sight hundreds, if not thousands of times. and still i have absolutely no idea why or how this came to be. because the house doesn't really seem to have any other distinguishing characteristics.

i don't think this mystery will ever be solved for me. i have no intention of bothering the people who live there just to ask for an explanation for Captain America. but every day that i see this i can't help but wondering about the reasons that this house is using Captain America as its mascot. i'm sure the explanations i can come up with myself are much more entertaining than the actual reasons anyway.

how about:
a family full of comic book junkies had a patriotic theme party...
you can fill in the rest.

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