Monday, May 25, 2009

next step.

what do you do with an art history degree?

more specifically, what the hell should i do with myself with an art history degree?

i am at a loss. i need outside interference in my life to guide me somewhere. how do people find jobs? how do they figure out what to do with themselves? i just don't seem to know how these things work.

i feel like i need a drastic change in my life, but i can't seem to figure out how to go about that. the world is not my oyster.

art history. i'm stuck.


  1. Forget about the degree you have, it honestly doesn't matter. It sounds like the scrawl on that piece of paper might be what is holding you back. You can't do anything until you have answered this: what do you want to be doing? If degrees were completely unnecessary, what would you go for?

  2. i think part of the problem is that i'm not totally sure what i want to be doing. but i do know that my current position is not helping me figure that out. it's a work in progress.
